If you prick us, do we not bleed?

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I don’t want to get stuck on this debacle, save to say it created an interesting backlash. Indeed, columnists from the Telegraph to the Times began referring to studies, such as one conducted by Melbourne University, which seemed to suggest that IVF and Gay couples make better parents. They reasoned that this was the result of having to surmount greater obstacles in achieving their goal. But, what does this actually tell us? That if someone labours out of love for a long period of time to have a child they clearly want that child and are likely to do everything in their power to give them a good life. Well, okay but that’s a borderline tautology. By their very nature Gay and IVF couples are excluded from the lottery of biology. Their sampling group therefore is not inclusive of feckless individuals who fall pregnant by failing to use contraception, or those youths who deliberately have babies as therapy for a neglected youth or indeed a smorgasbord of equally poor reasons and risible judgements that such people employ in making such a profound decision. I’m sure there are many gay couples who might make similar choices or mistakes should biology permit or are these studies suggesting that all gay people fall within a more privileged, better educated and generally more empathic demographic. I don’t think so. As for IVF, this is a procedure in which the participant undergoes considerable scrutiny. I’m certain that a youth of 17 who wants to leave an abusive family home and strike out on her own would not qualify. By their nature IVF couples must conform to certain criteria, which inevitably skews any comparisons that might be made. Regardless, it makes a point I don’t mind reiterating; If would be parents give the appropriate thought that such an undertaking deserves and if they mindfully love and care for the baby with all their being, then this can only be a good thing.

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