Borderline Personality Disorder: What a parent can learn from a therapist’s experience. I was lucky enough to attend a really fascinating workshop on this personality disorder recently and I realised that as a therapist the insights gained were incredibly useful in themselves but I also realised that there was a lot of learning for mothers … Continued
The Phenomenon of Attraction
A scene from Honeymoon in Vegas which sees James Caan attempt to replace his dead wife with a look a like Sarah Jessica Parker, started me wondering whether people have a specific ‘type’ or are perhaps narcissistic when it comes to dating. The media (with it’s fixation on celebrity couples) would suggest that some people … Continued
Home is where the heart is
Okay, so I’m just going to throw it out there. Boarding school is an abdication of responsibility. I challenge anyone out there to convince me (should they want to) that this is in the best interests of any child? And please don’t say it builds character. This is a peculiarly specious kind of reasoning. After … Continued
Let’s talk about Ford, baby!
So let’s talk about Gina Ford. No self-respecting blog on parenthood can avoid her completely, even if it is to suggest that she should be ignored. Where do I start? Gina herself is a good place to begin. Well, we know she was a maternity nurse, she has written a clutch of books, sold millions … Continued
The Effects of Maltreatment on Brain Development
I read an article recently on the effects of maltreatment on brain development in children. It was such a concise and informative overview of recent developments in this area that I decide to reproduce the article (with the kind permission of the Child Welfare Information Gateway) in its entirety and make it available below. Click to … Continued
Addiction is a Fantasy
Did anyone catch the debate on addiction and crime with former friends star Matthew Perry and Peter Hitchens on Newsnight at the end of 2013 ? I just happened by it recently whilst pottering around on YouTube. If the personage of Peter Hitchens has passed you by, he is a journalist, Christian apologist and brother of the recently deceased polemicist and secularist Christopher Hitchens. Perry is apparently a … Continued